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Nursery fees and government funding

We are passionate about providing outstanding childcare at an affordable, competitive price. Please contact our management team for our current fee information and full terms and conditions.


Your child may also be eligible for funding. We can talk you through funding when you visit the Nursery, but we've listed some government childcare schemes that may apply to you below.

Childcare funding for two year olds

Your two-year-old may be eligible for 15 hours of free childcare per week. The White House is an approved childcare provider, so you'll be able to use this funding with us. 


  • Please check if your child is eligible for this funding by visiting the Nottinghamshire County Council website or contacting Nottinghamshire County Council by telephone at 0300 500 8080.

  • If your child is eligible you will need to bring in your confirmation letter or email from the Council which includes a unique code.  Original documentation of your child's identity will also be required.

  • The 15 hours of funding is for 38 weeks and applies the term after your child's 2nd birthday.

  • For two year old funding ONLY: 10 or 5 hours can be claimed in a day.




Universal Funding for 3 to 4 year olds

​All three and four-year-olds can get free early education or childcare for 15 hours a week during term time (38 weeks per year) or spread the hours over the full year (570 hours in total).

  • Universal Funding applies from the term after their 3rd birthday.

  • To claim this funding we require original documentation of your child's identity and for you to sign a Parent Declaration Form.

  • Free sessions are currently available 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm over funded weeks.

  • Free, term time and 8 am to 4 pm days  are examples of our flexible sessions - talk to us and we will do our best to tailor sessions to suit individual needs.

  • Wraparound care around these sessions are available and calculated termly.

30 hours extended entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds

Your child may be eligible for an extra 15 hours of free childcare per week.

  • To find out whether your family meet the criteria, visit the government website here

  • To claim this funding we require parents to complete a form (you will need your 10-digit eligibility code and the National Insurance numbers of all working parents).

  • We will also require original documentation of your child's identity and for you to sign a Parent Declaration Form.

  • The extended entitlement can be used over 38 weeks, subject to availability at the Nursery.  Alternatively, this can be stretched over 48 or 52 weeks of the year.

  • Flexible sessions are available to suit your needs

  • There is an additional admissions policy that accompanies the extended entitlement.  

  • Further information is available when viewing the Nursery.

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